Friday, October 31, 2014

The Best London Neighborhoods for Spotting Supercars

Do you like looking at incredibly expensive cars driving incredibly slowly? Head for London. Anyone who’s spent much time in the wealthier areas of the iconic city has seen tons of Bentleys and Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Zondas driving through the centuries-old cobblestone streets.

Many of London’s supercars are shipped up from the Persian Gulf to accompany their uber-wealthy owners heading to England for the summer or to attend university. Many are, to put it mildly, covered in bling. Outrageous paint jobs are seemingly de rigeur, and metallic gold cars are a common sight.

There are even entire websites showcasing the supercars of London, and the annual arrival of the Middle Eastern-registered cars in London is worthy of international news coverage.

For tourists more interested in car spotting than the history of the White Tower, the best place to post up is in Knightsbridge, around the famous Harrod’s department store, which is owned by the sovereign wealth fund of Qatar. But now, thanks to a new report from luxury car-financing company Oracle Finance, we have a breakdown of which of the city’s neighborhoods are home to the most supercars, based on where its customers live.

The top result is Richmond, a very wealthy town in southwest London, where nearly one in five Oracle-financed supercars are located. Other hot supercar neighborhoods according to Oracle include Notting Hill (of Hugh Grant fame), Harrow, Hoxton, and Kilburn. You can see the full list here.

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